Web Notes
HTML 相对路径和绝对路径区别分析
HTML 初学者会经常遇到这样一个问题,如何正确引用一个文件。比如,怎样在一个 HTML 网页中引用另外一个 HTML 网页作为超链接(hyperlink),怎样在一个网页中插入一张图片。如果你在引用文件时(如加入超链接,或者插入图片等),使用了错误的文件路径,就会导致引用失效(无法浏览链接文件,或无法显示插入的图片等)。
Precedence | Operator | Type | Associativity |
15 | () [] · | Parentheses Array subscript Member selection | Left to Right |
14 | ++ -- | Unary post-increment Unary post-decrement | Right to left |
13 | ++ -- + - ! ~ ( type ) | Unary pre-increment Unary pre-decrement Unary plus Unary minus Unary logical negation Unary bitwise complement Unary type cast | Right to left |
12 | * / % | Multiplication Division Modulus | Left to right |
11 | + - | Addition Subtraction | Left to right |
10 | << >> >>> | Bitwise left shift Bitwise right shift with sign extension Bitwise right shift with zero extension | Left to right |
9 | < <= > >= instanceof | Relational less than Relational less than or equal Relational greater than Relational greater than or equal Type comparison (objects only) | Left to right |
8 | == != | Relational is equal to Relational is not equal to | Left to right |
7 | & | Bitwise AND | Left to right |
6 | ^ | Bitwise exclusive OR | Left to right |
5 | | | Bitwise inclusive OR | Left to right |
4 | && | Logical AND | Left to right |
3 | || | Logical OR | Left to right |
2 | ? : | Ternary conditional | Right to left |
1 | = += -= *= /= %= | Assignment Addition assignment Subtraction assignment Multiplication assignment Division assignment Modulus assignment | Right to left |
Note: Larger number means higher precedence.
For example:
a && b || c
(a && b) || c
Since +=
associates right to left, the expression
a += b += c
a += (b += c)
That is, the value of b += c
is added to a
Frank Lin
Web Notes
HTML 初学者会经常遇到这样一个问题,如何正确引用一个文件。比如,怎样在一个 HTML 网页中引用另外一个 HTML 网页作为超链接(hyperlink),怎样在一个网页中插入一张图片。如果你在引用文件时(如加入超链接,或者插入图片等),使用了错误的文件路径,就会导致引用失效(无法浏览链接文件,或无法显示插入的图片等)。
Web Notes
Liquid is a simple template language that Jekyll uses to process pages for your site. With Liquid you can output complex contents without additional plugins.
It's time to add a new plugin for my Jekyll site to support emojis, with a convenient and consistent way. Also a cheat sheet list for available emojis in GitHub flavoured Markdown documents using JoyPixels icons is presented.