Quick search with smart keywords in Firefox



Quick search with smart keywords in Firefox

Smart keywords are an easy way to search specific websites from the Firefox address bar. Instead of going to the target website and navigating to its search box, you can start your site specific search from any site using the address bar.

Custom CSS for Firefox



Custom CSS for Firefox

Firefox allows users to apply user stylesheets to modify every single web page as necessary or even modify the UI of Firefox itself. Let's see how to do it!

解决中文 hash tag 在 Firefox 中语法错误问题

Web Notes


解决中文 hash tag 在 Firefox 中语法错误问题

最近重建博客模板,新加入了 scrollspy 功能,又按网上的建议,增加了 smooth scrolling。按预想,点击侧边栏目录中的锚点可以滚动到文中相应的标题位置,这在 Edge 和 Chrome 中都能很好运行,而在 Firefox 中却因为中文 hash tag 出现了语法错误。

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