Custom CSS for Firefox



Custom CSS for Firefox

Firefox allows users to apply user stylesheets to modify every single web page as necessary or even modify the UI of Firefox itself. Let's see how to do it!

A Beginner's Guide to SCSS

Web Notes / Tutorials


A Beginner's Guide to SCSS

Basically, SCSS is the most popular CSS pre-processor now people use. It's just a more recent version of the original Sass syntax. All Sass/SCSS code compiles back to standard CSS so that the browsers can understand it. All browsers currently don't have direct support for SCSS or any other CSS pre-processor, nor does the standard CSS specification provide alternatives for similar features, not yet.

Relative Units - CSS Fundamentals

Reading Notes / Web Notes


Relative Units - CSS Fundamentals

In the web environment, the user can have their browser window set to any number of sizes, and the CSS has to apply to it. Also, users can resize the page after it's opened, and the CSS needs to adjust to new constrains. This means that the browser must calculate those when the page is rendered on-screen. Relative units are one of the tools CSS provides to work for the responsive design.


Web Notes



由于中文字体通常体积较大,在 web 中使用中文字体确实需要一些技巧。我也一直在纠结使用什么样的字体能有更好的阅读体验,鼓捣过 Typekit 加载思源宋体,可难免会拖慢加载速度,有时还不能成功加载,只能换回系统内置字体。今天就好好研究下网页字体的使用,一劳永逸!

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