Web Notes
Using Liquid in Jekyll - Live with Demos
Liquid is a simple template language that Jekyll uses to process pages for your site. With Liquid you can output complex contents without additional plugins.
// 农历转换
var CalendarData = new Array(100);
var madd = new Array(12);
var tgString = "甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸";
var dzString = "子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥";
var numString = "一二三四五六七八九十";
var monString = "正二三四五六七八九十冬腊";
var weekString = "日一二三四五六";
var sx = "鼠牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗猪";
var cYear, cMonth, cDay, TheDate;
CalendarData = new Array(0xA4B, 0x5164B, 0x6A5, 0x6D4, 0x415B5, 0x2B6, 0x957, 0x2092F, 0x497, 0x60C96, 0xD4A, 0xEA5, 0x50DA9, 0x5AD, 0x2B6, 0x3126E, 0x92E, 0x7192D, 0xC95, 0xD4A, 0x61B4A, 0xB55, 0x56A, 0x4155B, 0x25D, 0x92D, 0x2192B, 0xA95, 0x71695, 0x6CA, 0xB55, 0x50AB5, 0x4DA, 0xA5B, 0x30A57, 0x52B, 0x8152A, 0xE95, 0x6AA, 0x615AA, 0xAB5, 0x4B6, 0x414AE, 0xA57, 0x526, 0x31D26, 0xD95, 0x70B55, 0x56A, 0x96D, 0x5095D, 0x4AD, 0xA4D, 0x41A4D, 0xD25, 0x81AA5, 0xB54, 0xB6A, 0x612DA, 0x95B, 0x49B, 0x41497, 0xA4B, 0xA164B, 0x6A5, 0x6D4, 0x615B4, 0xAB6, 0x957, 0x5092F, 0x497, 0x64B, 0x30D4A, 0xEA5, 0x80D65, 0x5AC, 0xAB6, 0x5126D, 0x92E, 0xC96, 0x41A95, 0xD4A, 0xDA5, 0x20B55, 0x56A, 0x7155B, 0x25D, 0x92D, 0x5192B, 0xA95, 0xB4A, 0x416AA, 0xAD5, 0x90AB5, 0x4BA, 0xA5B, 0x60A57, 0x52B, 0xA93, 0x40E95);
madd[0] = 0;
madd[1] = 31;
madd[2] = 59;
madd[3] = 90;
madd[4] = 120;
madd[5] = 151;
madd[6] = 181;
madd[7] = 212;
madd[8] = 243;
madd[9] = 273;
madd[10] = 304;
madd[11] = 334;
function GetBit(m, n) {
return (m >> n) & 1;
function e2c() {
TheDate = (arguments.length != 3) ? new Date() : new Date(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2]);
var total, m, n, k;
var isEnd = false;
var tmp = TheDate.getYear();
if (tmp < 1900) {
tmp += 1900;
total = (tmp - 1921) * 365 + Math.floor((tmp - 1921) / 4) + madd[TheDate.getMonth()] + TheDate.getDate() - 38;
if (TheDate.getYear() % 4 == 0 && TheDate.getMonth() > 1) {
for (m = 0;; m++) {
k = (CalendarData[m] < 0xfff) ? 11 : 12;
for (n = k; n >= 0; n--) {
if (total <= 29 + GetBit(CalendarData[m], n)) {
isEnd = true;
total = total - 29 - GetBit(CalendarData[m], n);
if (isEnd) break;
cYear = 1921 + m;
cMonth = k - n + 1;
cDay = total;
if (k == 12) {
if (cMonth == Math.floor(CalendarData[m] / 0x10000) + 1) {
cMonth = 1 - cMonth;
if (cMonth > Math.floor(CalendarData[m] / 0x10000) + 1) {
function GetcDateString() {
var tmp = "";
tmp += tgString.charAt((cYear - 4) % 10);
tmp += dzString.charAt((cYear - 4) % 12);
tmp += "(";
tmp += sx.charAt((cYear - 4) % 12);
tmp += ")年 ";
if (cMonth < 1) {
tmp += "(闰)";
tmp += monString.charAt(-cMonth - 1);
} else {
tmp += monString.charAt(cMonth - 1);
tmp += "月";
tmp += (cDay < 11) ? "初" : ((cDay < 20) ? "十" : ((cDay < 30) ? "廿" : "三十"));
if (cDay % 10 != 0 || cDay == 10) {
tmp += numString.charAt((cDay - 1) % 10);
return tmp;
function GetLunarDay(solarYear, solarMonth, solarDay) {
solarYear = solarYear < 1900 ? (1900+solarYear) : solarYear;
if (solarYear < 1921 || solarYear > 2020) {
return "";
} else {
solarMonth = (parseInt(solarMonth) > 0) ? (solarMonth - 1) : 11;
e2c(solarYear, solarMonth, solarDay);
return GetcDateString();
// 使用
var date = new Date();
var yy = date.getFullYear();
var mm = date.getMonth() + 1;
var dd = date.getDate();
if (yy < 100) yy = "19" + yy;
Frank Lin
Web Notes
Liquid is a simple template language that Jekyll uses to process pages for your site. With Liquid you can output complex contents without additional plugins.
It's convenient to set up a comment system in Jekyll site with external social comment systems like Disqus or Duoshuo (多说). However, as you all know, Disqus was blocked in China and Duoshuo is going to shutdown. It's the time to rethink about the comment system (although I didn't get too many comments →_→), simple and controllable. And it becomes true with Firebase database.
Web Notes
HTML 初学者会经常遇到这样一个问题,如何正确引用一个文件。比如,怎样在一个 HTML 网页中引用另外一个 HTML 网页作为超链接(hyperlink),怎样在一个网页中插入一张图片。如果你在引用文件时(如加入超链接,或者插入图片等),使用了错误的文件路径,就会导致引用失效(无法浏览链接文件,或无法显示插入的图片等)。