Cascade - CSS Fundamentals
Let's begin with the cascade, the C in CSS. How it works and how to work with it practically.
Let's begin with the cascade, the C in CSS. How it works and how to work with it practically.
While learning Node.js, install packages is a commonly operation. However, as a newbie, I might install the packages not in the right way. So taking this note to refresh my mind on npm installs.
For a static site like those on GitHub Pages, everything is done in the frontend. The user just downloads a bunch of static files that execute in their browser. But for a "Contact" form, to deal with the submissions we typically need a backend service, either self hosted or a third a third-party service.
本来只是想简单看看 cookie、localStorage 和 sessionStorage 的,没想到一搜索扩展了很多知识,但是,中心主题还是集中在 web storage (localStorage, sessionStorage) 的认识上,以及怎么使用它们。不过,在此之前,先来简单认识一下 cookie 吧。
A few days ago, I built a website for showing traditional Chinese colours with bootstrap cards. Several issues I encountered during this process, just write them down for records.