Available HTML tags in emails

Available HTML tags in emails

style email with supported tags



👣 #email #HTML #tags

List of allowed HTML tags and their attributes:

  • a: href, title, name, style, id, class, shape, coords, alt, target.
  • b: style, id, class.
  • br: style, id, class.
  • big: style, id, class.
  • blockquote: title, style, id, class.
  • caption: style, id, class.
  • code: style, id, class.
  • del: title, style, id, class.
  • div: title, style, id, class, align.
  • dt: style, id, class.
  • dd: style, id, class.
  • font: color, size, face, style, id, class.
  • h1: style, id, class, align.
  • h2: style, id, class, align.
  • h3: style, id, class, align.
  • h4: style, id, class, align.
  • h5: style, id, class, align.
  • h6: style, id, class, align.
  • hr: style, id, class.
  • i: style, id, class.
  • img: style, id, class, src, alt, height, width, title.
  • ins: title, style, id, class.
  • li: style, id, class.
  • map: shape, coords, href, alt, title, style, id, class, name.
  • ol: style, id, class.
  • p: style, id, class, align.
  • pre: style, id, class.
  • s: style, id, class.
  • small: style, id, class.
  • strong: style, id, class.
  • span: title, style, id, class, align.
  • sub: style, id, class.
  • sup: style, id, class.
  • table: border, width, style, id, class, cellspacing, cellpadding.
  • tbody: align, valign, style, id, class.
  • td: width, height, style, id, class, align, valign, colspan, rowspan.
  • tfoot: align, valign, style, id, class, align, valign.
  • th: width, height, style, id, class, colspan, rowspan.
  • thead: align, valign, style, id, class.
  • tr: align, valign, style, id, class.
  • u: style, id, class.
  • ul: style, id, class.
  • php: id.
  • html: xmlns.
  • head
  • body
  • meta: content, name, http-equiv.
  • title
  • style: type.
  • link: type, rel, href.

Unsupported tags are automatically cut by the system for security reasons.

Can I Email is an incredible resource for researching specific HTML or CSS email features, but it can be time-consuming.

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Frank Lin

Hey, there! This is Frank Lin (@flinhong), one of the 1.41 billion . This 'inDev. Journal' site holds the exploration of my quirky thoughts and random adventures through life. Hope you enjoy reading and perusing my posts.


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