临时关闭 Mac SIP 修改自带词典字体



临时关闭 Mac SIP 修改自带词典字体

最近用词典比较多,而 Mac 自带词典不得不说非常好用,还能自己编译、安装一些第三方的词典。稍有遗憾的是,自带词典的字体目前(Mojave)不能任意修改,需要临时关闭 SIP (System Integrity Protection, 系统完整性保护) 才能添加自定义 CSS。

The Continuation-Passing Style in JavaScript

JavaScript Notes


The Continuation-Passing Style in JavaScript

In JavaScript, a callback is a function that is passed as an argument to another function and is invoked with the result when the operation completes. In functional programming, this way of propagating the result is called continuation-passing style (CPS). It simply indicates that a result is propagated by passing it to another function (the callback), instead of directly returning it to the caller.

Practising closures in JavaScript

JavaScript Notes


Practising closures in JavaScript

JavaScript is a very function-oriented language. As we know, functions are first class objects and can be easily assigned to variables, passed as arguments, returned from another function invocation, or stored into data structures. A function can access variable outside of it. But what happens when an outer variable changes? Does a function get the most recent value or the one that existed when the function was created? Also, what happens when a function invoked in another place - does it get access to the outer variables of the new place?

Get a JavaScript array with unique values

JavaScript Notes


Get a JavaScript array with unique values

As I need to update an array in Firebase Cloud Firestore with duplicate-free values, let's summarise the methods I found and see how they perform.

Loop with async and await in JavaScript

JavaScript Notes


Loop with async and await in JavaScript

Well, just got some problems in JavaScript loop with http request inside. Take a short note showing how to deal with it which got ideas from the post JavaScript: async/await with forEach().

National Geographic 'Photo of the Day' Downloader with Shell script

Linux Notes


National Geographic 'Photo of the Day' Downloader with Shell script

A shell script to automate the process of downloading National Geographic Photo of the Day. The script saves the image of Photo of the Day in the same directory where the script itself resides. You can use cron to make it automatically running everyday.

npm install, concerns for me

Tutorials / Web Notes


npm install, concerns for me

While learning Node.js, install packages is a commonly operation. However, as a newbie, I might install the packages not in the right way. So taking this note to refresh my mind on npm installs.

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