Self-host the Ackee for web traffic analytics

Web Notes / Tools


Self-host the Ackee for web traffic analytics

As long as the traffic grows for my journal site, I'm curious about how many people visit my site, which posts are most visited, and where users come from. Although Google Analytics can help, almost every ad-blocker will kill it and resulting in less information. After searching for alternatives, I came across a lightweight Node.js application, Ackee. It's a privacy-first solution that provides the basic analytics just what I needed. So, let's deploy it with all the free resources.





最近看到 GitHub 更新了黑暗模式(夜间模式),自己也心血来潮,给自己博客更新下 CSS。

Setup Google Analytics 4 with GTM

Tutorials / Tools


Setup Google Analytics 4 with GTM

Google Analytics 4 is Google's newest version of Google Analytics. Since I'm using the Google Tag Manager, just take a few steps to set up GA4 for my site.

Allowing Cloudflare IP addresses only in Nginx

Tutorials / Tools


Allowing Cloudflare IP addresses only in Nginx

If your HTTP server is running behind Cloudflare, it is recommended to only allow traffic from Cloudflare IP addresses. We can configure this systematically using iptables. However, it's also flexible to white list Cloudflare IPs just inside the Nginx service.

Using GoAccess for analysing web logs

Tools / Web Notes


Using GoAccess for analysing web logs

GoAccess is a tool for monitoring web server logs in realtime, which written in C and can be accessed directly from the command-line. With GoAccess you can view or analyse relevant statistics quickly and securely. Apart from the command-lin dashboard interface, it's also capable of displaying the statistics in other formats such as HTML, JSON, and CSV, which you can use in other contexts.

Basic LaTeX for math



Basic LaTeX for math

In markdown notes, it's easy to insert simple mathematical formulas with plain LaTeX. However, I'm always forget some basic characters for equations. So, let's take a short review based on the note "LaTeX math for undergrads".

Manage system log files with Logrotate



Manage system log files with Logrotate

Log rotation is a process of removing/storing old logs while not affecting the latest logs. Almost every single application generates meaningful logs, and if not properly handled, logs can eat up all the space on your disk. Here comes the Logrotate.

Hands on IBM Cloud Functions with CLI

Tools / Web Notes


Hands on IBM Cloud Functions with CLI

IBM Cloud CLI allows complete management of the Cloud Functions system. You can use the Cloud Functions CLI plugin-in to manage your code snippets in actions, create triggers, and rules to enable your actions to respond to events, and bundle actions into packages.

Quick search with smart keywords in Firefox



Quick search with smart keywords in Firefox

Smart keywords are an easy way to search specific websites from the Firefox address bar. Instead of going to the target website and navigating to its search box, you can start your site specific search from any site using the address bar.

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