删除 Windows.old 的正确姿势

删除 Windows.old 的正确姿势




👣 #windows

不管你是从之前的系统升级到 Windows 10,还是通过系统恢复程序重新安装 Windows 10,都会在 C 盘留下一个大个头的 Windows.old 文件夹。如果不需要恢复到之前的版本,那就删掉它吧。

其实,如果硬盘空间绰绰有余,完全不用理会这个文件夹,Windows 10 会在一个月之后自动删除掉它。

要是 C 盘空间不够,那就手动删掉它吧。当然,直接按删除键,Windows 会好心的告诉你:呵呵呵,小样,就你这权限还是一边去吧~

那么,正确删除 Windows.old 文件夹的姿势如何呢,一步一步来吧:

  1. 使用 Windows 搜索框,按下 Windows 键之后直接输入 Cleanup,然后单击出来的 Disk Cleanup
  2. 再然后单击 Clean up system files 按钮。
  3. 稍等一会会,让 Windows 列出可删除的文件列表,然后选择 Previous Windows Installation(s) 复选框,单击OK

等待清理完成,C 盘又多出来好多空间了吧,🤗。


Frank Lin

Hey, there! This is Frank Lin (@flinhong), one of the 1.41 billion . This 'inDev. Journal' site holds the exploration of my quirky thoughts and random adventures through life. Hope you enjoy reading and perusing my posts.


Setup an IKEv2 server with strongSwan



Setup an IKEv2 server with strongSwan

IKEv2, or Internet Key Exchange v2, is a protocol that allows for direct IPSec tunnelling between networks. It is developed by Microsoft and Cisco (primarily) for mobile users, and introduced as an updated version of IKEv1 in 2005. The IKEv2 MOBIKE (Mobility and Multihoming) protocol allows the client to main secure connection despite network switches, such as when leaving a WiFi area for a mobile data area. IKEv2 works on most platforms, and natively supported on some platforms (OS X 10.11+, iOS 9.1+, and Windows 10) with no additional applications necessary.

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